Youth Coaching Requirements

For information on starting or coaching a team in YUC, please visit the coaching page here: YUC Coaches.  

Below are the requirements that must be fulfilled in order to coach in YUC:

You can check off some of your requirements and follow your coach requirements as noted by the YUC directors here:

1. Background Check:
This must be completed every two years. If it expires during the season you are coaching, you will be asked to resubmit a new one. 

2. Concussion Training:
Coaches are required to complete concussion training once every 2 years. Send a PDF copy of your current completion certificate to the league directors at We will accept certificates from either NFHS (link below), or CDC Head's Up (available through the USAU coach certification process).

3. Cincinnati Ultimate Waiver:
A signed Cincinnati Ultimate waiver is required for the year that you are coaching. It resets in January of every year. You can check your status and sign an online waiver here.

4. Sudden Cardiac Arrest / Lindsay's Law:
Coaches are required to complete Sudden Cardiac Arrest training every year. Go to the link below, scroll down to "for coaches" section, watch the video and read the informational handout.

5. Read through the Official Rules:

6. Read through the YUC Coaching Guide:
YUC Coaching Manual

7. SafeSport Training: 
This can be accessed through your USAU Account or at the link below. This training must be completed or updated every 2 years. If you decide to become a coach through USAU and follow their training requirements, the SafeSport training cost is included. If you are doing SafeSport ONLY FOR YUC, then there is a fee that must be paid by you, which you can submit to be reimbursed by Cincinnati Ultimate. Send your receipt and mailing address (to receive a check) to for reimbursement.

8. USAU Chaperone Requirements

9. COVID-19 Policies:
We do not currently have any COVID-19 requirements in place other than the positive testing policy, which can be found here: 
Read through Cincinnati Ultimate's current COVID-19 policies. 

10. VIRTUS training, for Catholic schools only:


USAU Coach Training Requirements (link)
To be eligible to order ($20) and take the Foundational Coach test you must complete the following requirements: 

  • Current USAU Membership
  • NCSI Background Check (takes up to 10 business days, renewed every two years)
  • CDC Concussion Training (takes 1+ hours)
  • SafeSport Training (takes 2+ hours)
  • Foundational Coach Videos (45 minutes)
  • Submit a request for the Foundational Coach Test
    • Please note that it may take up to seven business days to have the test link sent to you
    • Passing score is 80%

Once you have completed the above items, you will become a Foundational Level Coach, which lets you register for the High School Level Certification.

USAU Coach Certification
Note: to compete at the OH State Championship, each team (not just each school) must have at least one USAU-certified coach. USAU coach certification at the High School Level is additional to having a Foundational Coach certification.

High School Level certification requires the coach to attend a High School Certification clinic and then pass the certification test. YUC sometimes offers a Coaching Clinic to get this certification and we will post this information here. 

USAU requires additional training to maintain your coach status with USAU. Information on USAU Coach Recertification can be found here.