Pickup Games
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Sunday afternoon (formerly known as Winton Woods)
Short version: We play noon at Grove Park in Wyoming. This game is ALWAYS ON year-round
Long version: This is the former Winton Woods game. We play at Grove Park, 170 Crescent Ave., Wyoming. If for reason Grove isn't available, go to Oak Park in Wyoming, 878 Oak Ave.
Wherever we play, PLEASE BRING A WHITE AND A DARK!!!
Lunchtime Downtown
When/Where: approx Noon - 12:50pm at Smale Park, sometimes Serpentine Park
Contact: cincydowntownulti@gmail.com
Join the GroupMe. Games are called in the morning and we often play several times a week (if the field is not wet) on one or more of these days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Anyone that wants to play ultimate are welcome, no experience needed.
Saturday Pickup at Gardner Park
Casual and friendly pickup on Saturday mornings.
Gardner Park in Lockland