2023 Winter Thursday Dayton Indoor Session 1
This will be an INDOOR league at Dayton Sports Complex in Dayton, OH on their indoor turf field. The games will be 7 vs 7, playing on an almost full sized field, from 7:30pm until 9:30pm. There will be two games per night, each lasting approxiamately 55 minutes. There will be THREE teams based on numbers from previous years and the limited time frame. See more information on schedule below. This session will run for 7 weeks. Get registered soon as space is limited and the indoor leagues fill up quickly. You are not registered completely for the league until you pay. If you don't pay at the time of registration, you will be placed on a wait-list. If the league fills before you pay, you will not play.
- November 30
- December 7
- December 14
- December 21
- December 28
- January 4
- January 11 (Playoffs)
Schedule of Play:
- Week 1
- Team X vs. Team Y
- Team X vs. Team Z
- Week 2
- Team Y vs. Team Z
- Team Y vs. Team X
- Week 3
- Team Z vs. Team X
- Team Z vs. Team Y
- Repeated the following three weeks. Playoff week will be determined by record.
Rules of play:
Game to time, the games will end at approximately 8:30PM and 9:30PM. Ties can occur. Director(s) will call last point for each game.
7 players on the field per team with at least one lady (6/1) unless captains agree otherwise and depending on signups.
Stall 7, starting at 4.
No halftime--grab water and switch sides (no longer than a minute or two).
1 quick time out per game per team.
The ceiling, rafters, wall and nets are out of bounds. Disc is dead if it hits them. The crossing wires and ceiling fans result in a live disc still.
Brick mark is ~10 yards from the center of the front line of the receiving end-zone.
Cost Details:
1st tier: $80
2nd tier: $100
3rd tier: $120
Cincinnati Ultimate has adjusted to a 3-tier payment structure. The 2nd tier (in this case, $100) is the basic league fee. The 3rd tier is available for any participant who wishes to contribute extra funds to support those that unable to pay the full fee. The 1st fee is available for anyone who needs a discounted fee.
The price includes field rentals and a pizza party at the end of the league session.
All payments must be collected online before the first games. You will be placed on a wait-list until you pay. If registration fills before you pay, you will not play. We will no longer be allowing players to not pay before leagues start.
**We do not want cost to be a prohibitive factor. In an attempt to provide flexibility, we are offering a discounted rate for those who need it in a ”pay what you can” system. If this is still a concern, please reach out to Liz Anderson, Director of Operations (landerson@cincinnatiultimate.org) with requests for consideration.**
Age Requirement:
18 years of age or older by the first night of league play.
**Exceptions to this rule will be allowed for players under 18 if they are playing with their parent/guardian on the same team.**
- Director(s):
- Avery Moeller Jeff Kula Michele Fox
- League:
Nov 30 2023 - Jan 11 2024 03:19 to 09:30 PM
Dayton Sports Complex
4801 Salem Ave
Dayton, OH 45416
- Status:
This is the league status, you may check your status here.
- When:
- Nov 7 2023 at 09:00 AM to Nov 27 2023 at 09:00 AM
- Cost:
- $80 or $100 or $120
- Waiver:
All players must have a waiver/release on file with Cincinnati Ultimate from a previous 2023 league.